Quora is a question-and-answer website where users can answer each other’s questions about all kinds of topics.
They’ve attracted students, professionals, journalists, and industry leaders all keen to share their knowledge. It can be viewed as a kind of “social” network, a unique cross between social media and research.
So why should marketers care about Quora?
SEMrush laid it out quite well: On Quora, you can get more high-quality traffic, boost your authority and learn more about your audience.
Not convinced? In this post, we’re going to share 15 Quora statistics every marketer should know.
User Statistics
1. Quora has 300 million monthly active users
- Quora has been gaining traction. It’s not as big as Twitter or Instagram, but its active user base is growing. In 2018 (its latest user base update) Quora’s monthly active user base reached 300 million, up from 200 million reported in 2017.

2. 43/57 female-to-male ratio
- As of January 2019, Quora’s user base had a 43/57 female to male ratio, although it’s unclear why males prefer the platform. A QuickSprout article found that gender use varies depending on the social media tool. If you’re targeting females, they tend to prefer Facebook for the personal connections it provides, whereas males tend to focus their time on tools that offer information and advice.
3. Mobile traffic makes up of visits
- To a few people’s surprise, online usage eats up most of the time we spend on our phones. Quora has developed into a platform for mobile users — in fact, 75% of users access Quora via their phones.

4. 35% of Americans use Quora
- Quora does not publicly release details about its user base. The founder, Adam D’Angelo, explained, “We don’t focus much on these numbers because we usually optimize for quality, and that comes with a tradeoff against volume.”However, according to Alexa.com, 35% of Americans use Quora. That means you have the opportunity to put your company, products, and services in front of more than a third of Americans.
5. 54% of adult users report a household income> $ 100k
- According to Quora’s B2B Marketing Guide and based on a 2017 study, 54% of Quora users report an annual household income greater than $ 100,000 — meaning they bring significant purchasing power to the website.
6. B2B companies are leveraging Quora Ads
- According to JD Prater of Quora, a variety of companies are leveraging Quora Ads to grow their presence. In a January 2019 interview with PPCChat, Prater says that of all the companies using Quora Ads, 60% are B2B and 40% are B2C. Quora Ads allows you to reach a large number of people who are looking for answers to industry-related questions. You can use Quora for marketing without the advertising option too, but it might require more effort and dedication.
7. of Quora users have a college degree
- Quora users are highly educated. 65% of users have a college degree, and 28% have a graduate degree. Keep this in mind as you tailor content to reach this particular audience.
8. Quora users are to be in a management position
- A 2018 study by Nielsen found that Quora users are 37% more likely to be in management than the general adult population. Quora gives you an opportunity to get in front of those who have decision-making power and provides for greater content exposure and lead generation.
9. Adults spend more on Quora than on LinkedIn
- Users who are 18 years and older spend 2x as much time on Quora than LinkedIn. If you want to be where your audience is, then you need to be on Quora — it’s becoming the place to be for business audiences.
10. Businesses using Quora Ads have seen up to
- Since the launch of Quora’s ad platform, thousands of businesses have begun to see success with their advertising on Quora. Those using Quora Ads see up to 4x more conversions than on other platforms. By running ads on Quora, you can help drive traffic to your website and generate more value from your marketing efforts.
- Those who are 18 years and older with a household income of $ 100,000 or higher prefer Quora over other information sources such as LinkedIn and the Wall Street Journal. If you can provide expertise on relevant topics, you can take advantage of this platform to reach people who are searching for that information.
12. of Quora’s visits come from online searches
- According to Alexa.com, 63% of Quora’s visits come from Google or other search engines. That means people typing their questions into Google are seeing Quora answers pop up in the search results — and if you’re providing valuable answers, then it’ll be your brand they see.
13. Users spend on average 4:11 minutes on Quora
- Like it or not, the Internet has changed the way people live their lives. Quora has been gaining traction slowly but steadily over time. According to Alexa.com, users on Quora are spending upwards of 4:11 minutes on the platform.
14. 32.5% of Quora users are 25 to 34 years old
- More and more age groups are beginning to lift Quora. Likewise, social media researcher Laura Hale found that 32.5% of those between the age group of 25 to 34 are using the platform. And it’s the second-largest group that uses Quora.
15. Video conference is becoming a popular option for WFH users
- Video conference presents countless opportunities for businesses. Moreover, videos can make remote work a fairly quick and painless process for everyone. In a March 2020 update, Quora reported that “video conference” views on the platform are up by 844%.
Content Marketing Statistics
16. There are available on Quora
- There are over 400,000 topics to explore on Quora, so you can find niche subject areas in which to share your expertise. No matter your industry, there are likely a lot of related topics on Quora.
17. In, entertainment, travel, business, marketing, learning, and technology were the most popular topics on Quora
- As mentioned, Quora has hundreds of thousands of topics, but last year’s most popular categories were entertainment, travel, business, marketing, learning, and technology were the most favored topics on Quora in 2018. Even if you’re not an expert on a topic, you might know more than others. Start by following topics in your industry and become a participant by posting questions and answers. Include links back to your website to help boost traffic, when appropriate.
18. Quora ranks 80th for global traffic
- According to the analytical website Alexa.com, Quora ranks 80th for global traffic. This rank is calculated using daily visitors and pageviews over the last three months. Though Quora has a way to go to reach the top, it’s still among the most popular sites in the U.S. and worldwide.
19. plan to invest more in Quora Ads for 2020
- More and more markets are discovering the value of Quora for their brand. In fact, in a Hanapinmarketing study, they found that 27% of marketers plan to increase their budget for Quora Ads for 2020.
20. Quora is now reported to be worth $ 2 Billion
- Quora has been slow to monetize its userbase, which they say is 300 million people a month. According to an article, Silicon Valley now considers Quora a $ 2 trillion company. Though, it was reported that Quora told prospective investors that in 2018 it did 2018 in revenue, which makes the new valuation a big jump.
- If you’re considering using ads for Quora, you want to make sure they’re mobile-friendly. In a study Bannersnack, showed that over 80% of impressions and click-throughs from their ads were from mobile devices.
Quora Statistics Recap
Can’t recall all of those statistics? That’s OK.
Here are the top five Quora statistics that marketers should know :
- Quora has 300 million monthly active users.
- The site has a 43/57 female-to-male ratio.
- Adult users who are 18 years and older with a household income greater than $ 100K spend 2x more time on Quora than on LinkedIn.
- Mobile generates the most impressions and click-throughs on Quora Ads
- Users spend on average 4:11 minutes on Quora
Quora is increasingly the place to be for business audiences, which means it’s the place to be for marketers as well — not only to grow their brand’s online presence but to keep up with industry trends and even learn a few tricks from other marketers.
Which Quora stat stood out to you the most? Drop us a comment — we’d love to know what you think.