Why publish an article on LinkedIn?
What are the advantages and disadvantages of the LinkedIn article and the LinkedIn post?
In addition to being a professional network, LinkedIn allows you to share content and interact with members in a very simple way. In the same way as Facebook, the audience can also react to publications.
Information sharing on LinkedIn can be done using several methods. Choosing the type of publication depends on your personal or professional purpose.
Publishing content is a very effective way to develop your business. To do this, you must be active on the network and publish regularly.
Let’s see in detail the difference between a LinkedIn article and a LinkedIn post

Why publish articles on LinkedIn?
Known as the best B2B social network and the most efficient network if you are a business, a freelance, an entrepreneur or if you are looking for a job, integrating this social network into your media social strategy is essential.
In this way, you can promote the brand of your business or your personal branding.
Indeed, writing LinkedIn articles regularly will allow you to:
– Improve the notoriety of your company;
– Explain your services and demonstrate your products
– Demonstrate your expertise ;
– Bring your point of view
– Generate partnerships
– Discover new opportunities
– Understand the expectations of your prospects
– Publish job offers
– Attract potential customers ;
– Share information on your company’s news
– Develop your employer brand
– Find a job
To help you put in place a good network content marketing strategy, here are some tips for effectively publishing on this professional network and getting more customers, and conquering it.
What is the difference between an article and a post on LinkedIn?
The “LinkedIn post” is the shortest format you can use on LinkedIn because the number of characters has been limited to 3000 since June 2021.
Your publication cannot be organized, and formatted as on an article but you can insert hashtags, emojis or a video, or a document. We recommend that you attach photos or videos to your messages. We are in the era of the happy snack so content is fast to read, the post will make it easier for you to attract the attention of members.

Tips for posting content on LinkedIn
The network offers a multitude of options for making a publication. You can opt for the choices that suit you depending on the content you want to share.
This LinkedIn feature is on the home page. Publishing a post on LinkedIn is the best way to always be visible to your network and to the target audience. Used properly, the posts allow you to boost your activity on the network.
The publication of a post can be done in the white box on the home page. Thereafter, it will be displayed on the news thread. When you share it, it then appears in the news thread of all your contacts. The audience for these posts can be controlled, you can choose who can see each post you do.
When someone in your network reacts to your posts, this post in question will be visible through their network. As the publication receives reactions, your visibility increases.
The characters in a post have been limited to 3000 characters since June 2021 the format is no longer 1300 (which seemed far too short). Posts are therefore ideal for sharing reflections and exchanging ideas with the audience to improve notoriety.
Tips for publishing a post on LinkedIn
Be sure to choose a catchy title to start your posts. It must attract the curiosity of your target and make them want to continue reading.
The text must be well ventilated. You can also use emojis to attract the audience. Posting a photo is recommended so that prospects and professionals are attracted to your publication.
You can also share a link to interesting blog articles, videos, or sites. They need to tickle the curiosity of Internet users. In addition, you can also attach a document to your post.
By doing a post, you can also mention other people for more visibility or use hashtags relating to the theme of your publication. In this way, the number of hearings can only increase.
Talk about a lived experience related to the subject to encourage your network to comment.
Conclude your post by inserting a call to action. You can, for example, ask a question and let them answer as a comment.
Post, article, video, stories, If you want to publish longer content, you can opt for publishing articles.
On the home page, from your computer (not available on the mobile version) you can find an option “Post an article”. With the thousands of people registered in France and worldwide, you can reach more targets through longer publications.
The publication of a LinkedIn article will allow you to enjoy several advantages:
A targeted audience. Since most of your contacts on LinkedIn belong to the same sector as you, you can publish articles whose subjects interest these people. This broadens the discussion and strengthens the links;
Improved visibility even on google searches;
An increase in the number of subscribers.
Tips for publishing a LinkedIn article
Before publishing an article on LinkedIn, an objective must be set in relation to the publication of the article. By choosing the goal, you will know what your target audience is and how to approach the subject.
Create relevant content. Your content must have value in attracting prospects. For this, you can favor white papers or case studies.
Choose and add an image that attracts the illustration of the article. This image should represent the subject you want to talk about.
When is a good time to publish on LinkedIn?
There is no good time to publish on LinkedIn! But I noticed that LinkedIn members are more available on Tuesday and Thursday before and after office hours, in other words:
- Early in the morning, between 7:30 a.m. and 8:30 a.m
- At 12 noon
- At the end of the day, between 5 and 6 p.m
If you are looking for a high engagement rate, the perfect time is Tuesday between 10 a.m. to 11 a.m. according to studies on the activity of people active on the network.
Do not hesitate to deepen and consult my detailed article on the best days and hours of publications on LinkedIn
Other types of publication formats are also available on LinkedIn. Indeed, apart from posts and articles, you can choose between:
- LinkedIn Live ;
- Polls ;
- The documents ;
- The stories.
For the LinkedIn content you share to be read and shared, you must set specific goals and have a well-defined marketing strategy. In this case, plan your content well, finding the time to choose the appropriate theme.
I also recommend that you publish regularly. The frequency of publication is to be determined by yourself. You can post twice a week and articles 1 or 2 times a month.
You can also use your LinkedIn account which offers the writing of quality content by inserting images, video, or text. The platform then publishes them and a wide audience can see the publication. Thus, your visibility with users of social networks will also increase.
When publishing your content, it is important to be careful not to make certain mistakes and to take stock of good practices !! ) that can compromise your profile.
After following these tips, you will notice more and more visits to your profile or requests for addition. Customers can even come in private messages to request your services.
Sharing your blog articles on LinkedIn
LinkedIn offers its members the possibility of directly integrating sharing buttons on their site. This button will allow you to broadcast your content with a single click. You can transfer existing public publications to other members or LinkedIn pages and add your own thoughts or questions to share with your network.
You can share the publication on LinkedIn or send it to a relationship or better yet specific relationships via private messages.
To republish information on LinkedIn: Click Share under the message you want to broadcast.
The mentions of the articles on LinkedIn
When you share a publication on LinkedIn, will present it to a certain percentage of your network, level 1, 2, 3, and your followers according to a clever calculation. It may be useful to mention other people (whether or not you know elsewhere) in order to get their attention and make them react quickly to your publication. In your post or comment, both are possible.
Always remember that, like Facebook, LinkedIn news threads are algorithmic. When LinkedIn members or company pages share news, only part of them (for individuals) or part of their subscribers (for this page) see the publication appear in their news thread.
Among the parameters considered by the algorithms is the interaction so the comment is king for engagement, as well as the time spent on publication and clicking on seeing more.
Articles on LinkedIn: in summary
- Yes if it is from time to time and serves your purpose
- Yes if you are not wearing out, reuse your old blog articles if they are still relevant!
- Yes if it brings real value otherwise prefer the LinkedIn newsletter
- If you want visibility = post
- if you want to write a long content which will be less visible but which convert = article!
LinkedIn is a great place to share your thoughts and insights on current trends in your industry. When you write an article, you have the opportunity to go into depth about a specific topic and provide valuable information for your readers.
A post, on the other hand, is shorter and more concise- it’s perfect for sharing quick tips or ideas.
Both articles and posts can be helpful when it comes to building your personal brand and establishing yourself as an expert in your field.
However, if you want to get the most out of LinkedIn, you should definitely be using both article and post formats!